We spent so long in a state of unchanged. Inertia was our friend until it became our foe.
With our eyes closed, we were stuck in neutral gear, moving aimlessly forward and back, responsive only to the changing tilt of the world. Good happened. Bad happened. Life happened. We made little happen.
When we finally opened our eyes, we found ourselves far from the desired position. The gap seemed impossible to fill. The bridge too long to cross.
We stood at a turning point. Across the horizon, we could see hope. We could almost hear the joy.
Spirituality finds one where they are at. It engulfs like flame to dry kindle. Every human, we believe, asks the who/what question, while most revisit the query as life naturally unfolds. Some find the answer they seek, while most have more questions.
We have yet to find a source that is all understanding. We have come to a place where we embrace learning. We have gratefully reached a point of understanding that we will never fully understand.
What we know today is that it is not an organized religion that fuels our souls but rather a relationship that sparks our hearts. The God we seek to draw closer to is a God of love and grace. The God of our universe builds connection through relentless, unconditional care.
The relationship we seek takes effort and action. Getting to where we want demands movement from where we are. We need to shift from neutral to drive to move toward hope.
Our God is real, and we know that we need to get real to meet Him where he is at. To bridge the gap requires a full measure of purposeful activity. Crossing the bridge will take earnest effort and a commitment to honesty and openness.
We accept that we will never be the destination. We will move closer to the warmth with each step; even in our missteps, we will let the light of His promises draw us in as bugs to a lamp.
Today, we will push in full labor. Tomorrow we will continue the journey with intensity. All the while, we seek peace and an attainable heart joy.
Half measures result in half results, which is not the destination we seek.
May we find the fullness of God with each step.
Thoughts and ideas for this blog post were taken and built upon from asweunderstandhim.coffee podcast “Rooted Week 1 "What is Rooted?" with Tom" - The podcast dropped on 8/13/2023. Click here to hear the podcast.
Photo by Immo Wegmann on Unsplash