Sanctification, adjudication, altercation, notification, amplification, application, bilocation, certification, clarification, declassification, dedication, apple location, evocation, formication, gasification, indemnification, justification, metrication, objectification, dictation, qualification, ramification, sophistication, application, unification, I need a vacation.
Big words don't make a big prayer.
Help, love, strength, courage, wisdom, insight, peace… others.
When Jesus was under pressure, He prayed. While He was being persecuted, He prayed. Before His day, He prayed and prayed at the day's end.
Prayer is the ultimate communication. The genuine conduit connects mere humans to the supreme creator of the universes.
We used to think it was to impress, recite, or babble and create the perfect presentation to meet our desires. We used to wrap our proposals in pretty paper and expect a response like a kid anticipating a present under the tree at Christmas,
We have come to understand that prayer is a partnership.
Like an iPhone that needs to be connected to a power source occasionally, we need to be connected to our maker to recharge. It's not He who is in need, but us. It is more about the relationship than it is about the requests.
When we understood, accepted, and desired His will over ours, we began to appreciate our role and methodology regarding communication. It is from the heart that truth is reflected. It is through lips of acceptance that peace is found.
In time of intent listening and being aware of His work around us and through others, His speak is gentle and direct. Learning to observe and listen for His whispers is the changer. We hear when we listen with an authentic ear. We hear when we slow down and focus on what is unfolding in front of us.
Are we sanctified? – honestly, we have no idea what that means.
Are we heard? – Yes, if we listen.
Thoughts and ideas for this blog post were taken and built upon from podcast “Prayer Part 2" … The podcast dropped on 10/22/2023. Click here to hear the podcast.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash