On a recent episode of AsWeUnderstandHim, the podcast, the following phrase was used to describe our quest for spiritual connectedness; “it's like jumping out of a plane and then trying to figure out the parachute” Hahaha… SPLAT. Falling at over 100 miles per hour with only a few thousand feet to figure things out is not the best plan.
What we know is that there are few fundamentals as it relates to skydiving. It boils down to one thing, understanding when to pull the chute and then actually pulling it. Not acting on the plan will result in disaster.
We are learning that there are a few fundamentals related to our relationship with God and salvation. It comes down to two things: hope and redemption. The thief on the cross (Matthew 27) pulled the chute when it became clear that that was his best plan.
The salvation plan doesn’t change. We will die and find ourselves at the gates (reference found in the book Revelation) of an eternity of God’s choice. The bible we believe in states that it is not our deeds, but by God’s grace, that eternity can be spent in heaven, which we think is as spectacular as it is indescribable.
Most of us are not hanging in Crucifixion. Most of us have time to plan. We can learn and live when and how to pull the chute.
What can it hurt?
Simple analytics tells us that the risk-to-reward ratio is bent toward peace and comfort. The “good thief” recognized his darkened plight, saw a ray of light, and chose a new direction. He chose hope. And though we don’t know the fate of the “bad thief,” we can only imagine his ultimate destiny; SPLAT.
Is there a significant downside to pulling at the Christian option? We think not. Admittedly, a greater sense of responsibility and more mental gymnastics accompany this life choice. We aim to please but miss the mark more often than we wish – as a child wanting the favor of a parent, this causes discomfort and sometimes pain.
But this is exactly what our hearts desire; an authentic relationship. As we study the Bible, this is what God also wants. This is the offer that Jesus extended to the thief. This is the path he has suggested for us. This is the rope we can pull for a safe landing.
We are grateful for the cord.
Thoughts and ideas for this blog post were taken and built upon from asweunderstandhim.coffee podcast “Rooted Week 2 "Who is God?" with John” The podcast dropped on 8/202023. Click here to hear the podcast.
Photo by Kamil Pietrzak on Unsplash
Alcoholics Anonymous and AA are registered trademarks of Alcoholics World Service. Inc. References to AA, the 12 steps, and 12 traditions does not mean that AA has reviewed or approved the contents of this publication nor that AA agrees with the views expressed herein. This publication is intended to support personal growth and should not be considered a substitute for healthcare professionals' advice. The author’s advice and viewpoints are their own.